EPA Mandates Cybersecurity Reporting for the Water Sector Public water systems are increasingly at risk from cyberattacks that threaten public health. U.S. EPA has issued new guidance that states are required to evaluate and report on cybersecurity threats for systems that use industrial control systems or other operational technology. “Cyberattacks against critical infrastructure facilities, including drinking water systems, are increasing, and public water systems are vulnerable," said EPA Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox. “Cyberattacks have the potential to contaminate drinking water.” This expectation is outlined in a memo that interprets sanitary survey requirements, accompanied by a detailed guidance document aimed at state programs and technical assistance providers. It was released as part of the Biden administration's updated National Cybersecurity Strategy. U.S. EPA offers resources that can help water systems understand and address cyber vulnerabilities including this video on basic cybersecurity concepts that can be used by water systems as a part of an annual cybersecurity training program. Our database on WaterOperator.org also has resources on this topic, including this 56-page guide from WaterISAC on cybersecurity best practices to reduce exploitable weaknesses and attacks. March 24, 2023 By Katelyn McLaughlin Asset Management, Regulations, Security, Utility Management asset management, cybersecurity, regulations 0 0 Comment Read More »
RCAP’s Free Monthly Articles for Water and Wastewater Operators A Drop of Knowledge is a monthly digital article from Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP.) The articles focus on topics like infrastructure, capacity building, and economic development in rural America. It contains how-to’s, tips, and guidance from more than 300 technical assistance providers (TAPs) across the country. Some recent featured articles are linked below: Small South Dakota City Leverages Funds to Complete Expensive Sewer System Upgrade Cross Connection Control – A Holistic Approach Are Your Utilities Prepared for the Upcoming Winter? Water Utility Digital Transformation Ohio Site Visit Shows Wastewater Potential of Sand Bioreactors Understanding Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater in America Looking for something else? Find more articles and subscribe to A Drop of Knowledge. February 20, 2023 By Katelyn McLaughlin Asset Management, Operations and Maintenance, Utility Management economic development, infrastructure, rcap, resource, rural america, technical assistance, wastewater treatment, water utility 0 0 Comment Read More »
RCAP’s Free Quarterly Magazine is Focused on Rural Communities Rural Matters is the official magazine of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP.) It features stories and insights that highlight the challenges and opportunities facing the rural communities that RCAP works with. Rural Matters is published quarterly in both print and digital formats and RCAP offers an archive of past issues on their website. Below are links to some of the most recent issues: 2022 | Issue 1: Let’s Talk Wastewater features topics like: loan management, the water access gap, mapping a septic system on tribal lands, developing an effective sewer board, and managing wastewater in U.S. territories. 2022 | Issue 2: Let’s Talk Drinking Water features topics like: boil water advisories and orders, COVID-19’s impact on water systems, violations and how the Agreed Order process works, options for additional water supply, and Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. 2022 | Issue 3: Let’s Talk Solid Waste features topics like: purchasing a solid waste collection vehicle, how a pandemic impacts solid waste management, a story of solid waste success in South Dakota, recycling program adaptation, and the unique challenges that come with solid waste management in the Grand Canyon. 2022 | Issue 4: Let’s Talk Regionalization features topics like: winterization tips, well ownership, a regionalization success story, fleet electrification, and multiple articles that emphasize the importance of community collaboration with water and wastewater systems. If you’re interested in contributing feedback or advertising in Rural Matters you can contact submissions@rcap.org or you can simply subscribe to receive each issue. February 10, 2023 By Katelyn McLaughlin Small System O&M, Small Systems O and M drinking water, o & m, operations and maintenance, regionalization, rural, Rural Water, small system, solid waste, wastewater 0 0 Comment Read More »
The Impact of Climate Change on Massachusetts Septic Systems Climate Change + Population Increase = Imbalance in the Waterways of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The old septic systems used by about 95% of the growing population of Cape Cod are contributing to rising nitrogen and phosphorus levels in the waterways which are slowly warming due to climate change. Septic systems are a great option in places where homes are too spread out to justify sewers and water treatment plants but they don’t filter out the nitrogen and phosphorus that ends up seeping into groundwater. When nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus runoff into the water, they act as a fertilizer for bacteria and algae. This combination of factors has resulted in an “explosion” of blue-green algae to take over the Cape and wreak havoc on the ecosystem. After several lawsuits filed by environmentalists, the state of Massachusetts has proposed that local communities are required to fix the problem within 20 years. This has created some pushback from the community of Mashpee, MA that has already started installing a sewer system, the construction of which was projected to be spread out over 25 years. If the proposed rule is enforced, that would force the community to move faster and find a way to cover the huge cost of construction. This raises the issue of cost in general since sewers and water treatment plants are extremely expensive for the community and new septic systems can be a huge expense to the individual homeowners in the area, many of whom are retired and living on fixed incomes. How this plays out in Massachusetts will be viewed by other states in the future as they seek to address similar surface water quality issues in areas with a high density of decentralized wastewater treatment. For more information concerning Nutrient Runoff from Septic Systems check out some of the following resources: Septic Systems and Surface Water This interactive graphic and diagram explains how nutrients and pathogens from your septic system may impact streams, lakes, or other water bodies near your home. Nutrients from septic systems can impact well and surface water This article goes into detail about the impact a malfunctioning septic system has on the surrounding waterways, wells, and groundwater. How Nitrogen from Septic Systems Can Harm Water Quality This 2-page fact sheet describes how nitrogen can affect the soil and water in the areas surrounding your septic system. For more information concerning Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) check out some of the following resources from WaterOperator.org: Addressing HABs and Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water with the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund This 4-page fact sheet describes DWSRF eligibilities related HABS. It provides several case studies where DWSRF funds were used for HABs related activities. Algae/Cyanobacteria Toxins and Public Water Systems This 31-slide presentation discusses how to understand the problem, know what tools are available, and plan how to manage a cyanotoxin event. Algal Toxin Risk Assessment and Management Strategic Plan for Drinking Water This 81-page report is a strategic plan for assessing and managing risks associated with algal toxins in drinking water provided by public water systems. This plan presents examples of recently completed and ongoing HAB-related activities and provides steps and timelines for intended future EPA activities. These ongoing and future activities outline EPA’s plan for the next few months through the next five years and beyond. January 27, 2023 By Katelyn McLaughlin Decentralized Wastewater, Water News algae, cyanobacteria, cyanotoxins, HAB, harmful algal bloom, nitrogen, nutrient runoff, phosphorus, septic 0 0 Comment Read More »
Free Program to Help Rural Entrepreneurs Thrive In 2021 the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP) launched the Open for Business program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the program is to serve entrepreneurs across the country in launching and growing their business through the help of RCAP’s extensive network. The Open for Business program offers free tools designed to assist entrepreneurs looking for resources to enhance their business. The program’s hub has self-guided online workshops, live webinars on relevant topics for expanding your business, and one-on-one coaching from a team of professionals with a wide range of expertise. Register for one of their live webinars below: January 5, 2023 - Developing an Effective Website January 19, 2023 - Budgeting and Bookkeeping: Part 1 The Open for Business hub also offers training resources that provide knowledge on some of the most used digital tools in business as well as financial assistance resources via a list of up-to-date government, non-profit, and private funding sources and loans for small businesses. For additional knowledge-building, the WaterOperator.org blog also regularly features content on running your water system like a business. Here are some examples: Promoting Equality and Equity: Resources for the Water Industry Maintaining Customer Satisfaction Protecting Your Customers From Utility Scams Social Media 101 for Public Water Systems December 20, 2022 By Katelyn McLaughlin Business Mindset, Financial Management, Funding business training, financial assistance, free training 0 0 Comment Read More »