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RCAP's Drop of Knowledge: Article Roundup #6

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Drop of Knowledge is a monthly digital article from Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP.) The articles focus on topics like wastewater, drinking water, policy, and infrastructure in rural America. It contains how-to’s, tips, and guidance from more than 300 technical assistance providers (TAPs) across the country. Some featured articles are linked below:

Looking for something else? Find more articles and subscribe to A Drop of Knowledge.

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Wastewater Treatment


The need to conserve water and manage it more efficiently is perhaps now more dire than it ever has been. Among other water consumption issues: We have a record, still-growing population on the planet; accelerating levels of drought worldwide; and the artificial intelligence (AI) boom is guzzling water at a dazzling rate in order to keep data servers running.

Ironically, though, AI might just also be essential to redefining and maximizing the efficiency of our water use, along with similar emerging digital technologies like machine learning (ML), automation, and digital twins. These technologies can create “smart water” systems for industry — A concept that’s been primarily associated with drinking water, but is also starting to blossom in the wastewater sector as well.

Around two trillion gallons of treated wastewater are lost in the United States each year, which is a massive blow to US business and the environment. AI, ML, digital twins, and automation have the potential to mitigate the infrastructural inefficiencies that cause this water loss by optimizing water use, reducing the loss, and helping to build circular water management systems/economies that will emphasize reuse and minimization of use/waste across all sectors of industry.

In wastewater treatment plants specifically, these technologies can assist in understanding a system’s rate of flow, optimizing and saving energy, and providing data that is a useful tool in the decision-making process. These benefits would add up to significant cost savings in both expenditures and labor, and more importantly contribute to lessening our environmental burdens and increasing sustainability.

Wastewater Digest, which is following the expansion of AI and its sister technologies in the wastewater sector closely, says industry should implement these actions in order to reduce and optimize industrial water use:

  • Assess and monitor water use with smart technology
  • Invest in digital technologies like AI, ML, and digital twins
  • Automate water management operations to maintain optimal performance
  • Foster cultural sustainability so that everyone contributes to saving water
  • Collaborate across industry to amplify results

Primary Sources and Additional Information


Wastewater System Sustainability Practices | Recorded on November 12, 2024


In this recording of our recent live webinar "Wastewater System Sustainability Practices" viewers will discover some of the most helpful resources for wastewater system sustainability practices and learn how to use our search tools at to find additional resources and training events.

This webinar series from covers topics relevant to wastewater operators, including funding, asset management, compliance, and water quality. Certificates of attendance will be delivered upon request to live attendees but are not available for watching this replay.


Flushable Wipes: The Bane of the Wastewater Industry

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In the video below, featured on Icon Water's YouTube channel, they test a "flushable" wet wipe to see how well it dissolves in water compared to toilet paper, wet wipes (not labeled flushable), and paper towels. All 4 products are spun for 30 minutes in water to display how well each of these products breaks down when you flush them. 

Flushable wipes have been the plague of the wastewater industry for years due to the problems they cause for systems. Not only can they clog pipes, damage equipment, and harm the environment, but they require increased maintenance for utilities. 

The most recent legislation regarding flushable wipes is the Wastewater Infrastructure Pollution Prevention and Environmental Safety (WIPPES) Act. This bill was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in June 2024. This act "would require the Federal Trade Commission to create a uniform label for products that have and/or require a 'Do Not Flush' label" in order to reduce consumer confusion and help to protect wastewater systems. Additionally, Michigan recently passed a law in July 2024 that prohibits manufacturers from marketing wipes as “flushable.”

Further Reading...

Featured Webinar Series: Improving CWA-NPDES Permit Compliance


Have you attended webinars from the Improving CWA-NPDES Permit Compliance series of technical assistance webinars put on by the EPA and the Significant Noncompliance Rate Reduction National Compliance Initiative? (Also known as the SNC NCI).

These webinars are meant for plant operators, municipal leaders, TAPs, and compliance inspectors who are working to improve surface water quality and drinking water impacts by ensuring compliance with Clean Water Act and/or National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permits. Attending live will provide you with a certificate of attendance that may be eligible for CEU credit in your state, depending on your state’s certification authority. The EPA has an archive of webinar recordings dating back to 2019, but watching these recordings does not make you eligible for a certificate of attendance or any CEU credit.

All the same, the recording archive contains information on a wealth of topics under the umbrella of CWA/NPDES permit compliance. We have put together a few recommended highlights below, but be sure to examine the whole archive as you grow your knowledge in pollutant discharge.

Recording Highlights

POTWs – What Does Your Permit Say? (Part 1)
January 22, 2024: This presentation covers how to read and understand a NPDES permit, how permittees can ensure that permit requirements are met, and a discussion of the most common reporting requirements for NPDES permits. Presented by Dan Connally, vice president of ERG Group with 22 years of experience in NPDES permit development.

POTWs – What Does Your Permit Say? (Part 2)
February 28, 2024: Part two of ‘What Does Your Permit Say?’ covers the permit requirements for pretreatment and biosolids, associated federal regulations, and both standard and special conditions for publicly owned treatment works. Presented by Dan Connally, Bob Brobst (Principal Environmental Engineer at PG Environmental), and Chuck Durham (Principal Engineer and Senior Project Manager at PG Environmental).

Fats, Oils, and Grease: What We Know After 23 Years of FOG Work
October 12, 2023: This presentation focuses on managing the impacts of FOGs on collection systems and wastewater treatment plants, as well as fees, public outreach, and enforcement for food service establishments. Presented by Byron Ross of Monitoring & Management Services, with nearly 40 years of experience in wastewater treatment.

Everything You Wanted to Know About PFAS But Were Afraid to Ask
April 12, 2023: This session examines the emerging contaminants PFAS and PFOA and discusses their uses, properties, impacts, and possible treatment methods in wastewater and drinking water. Viewers will also learn to identify the sources of these contaminants. Treatment options explored include activated carbon, ion exchange resin, reverse osmosis/nanofiltration, advanced oxidation, and biosolid removal. Presented by Jamie Hope, wastewater operator and training technician, with four decades of experience in wastewater treatment.

Small POTWs: What to Expect and How to Prepare for your NPDES Permit
June 16, 2022: This webinar explains what a small publicly owned treatment works can expect as they undertake NPDES permitting. It also features a step-by-step overview of obtaining a permit and insights on collaborating with permitting authorities. Presented by Sean Ramach, NPDES Training Coordinator for the EPA Office of Wastewater Management, Water Permits Division.

Funding Wastewater Infrastructure Projects | Recorded on July 23, 2024


In this recording of our recent live webinar "Funding Wastewater Infrastructure Projects" viewers will discover some of the most helpful wastewater funding resources and learn how to use our search tools at to find additional resources and training events. 

This webinar series from covers topics relevant to wastewater operators, including funding, asset management, compliance, and water quality. Certificates of attendance will be delivered upon request to live attendees but are not available for watching this replay. 

RCAP's Drop of Knowledge: Article Roundup #4

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Drop of Knowledge is a monthly digital article from Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP.) The articles focus on topics like wastewater, drinking water, policy, and infrastructure in rural America. It contains how-to’s, tips, and guidance from more than 300 technical assistance providers (TAPs) across the country. Some featured articles are linked below:

Looking for something else? Find more articles and subscribe to A Drop of Knowledge.

Webinar Recording: Cybersecurity for Wastewater Operators

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Watch this webinar recording to discover some of the most helpful cybersecurity resources and to learn how to use our search tools at to find additional resources and training events. This is the first webinar in our new series for wastewater operators!

The webinar answers questions such as:

  • What is and how is it a useful tool for wastewater professionals?
  • What are the best resources we have relating to cybersecurity in the water and wastewater sector?
  • How can you find more cybersecurity resources and other similar resources on

This free series will cover topics relevant to wastewater operators, including funding, asset management, compliance, and water quality. Upcoming events in the series include:

  • Source Water Protection for Communities with Decentralized Wastewater (April 23)
  • Funding Wastewater Infrastructure Projects (June 25)

Certificates of attendance for each session will be delivered upon request. Check with your certification body for acceptance criteria.

Here is the recording of the first webinar, held in February 2024. We cannot provide certificates of attendance for watching the webinar recording.

RCAP’s Onsite/ Decentralized Program

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RCAP (Rural Community Assistance Partnership) has an onsite/decentralized program that provides training, technical assistance, and financial resources to assist individual homeowners, neighborhoods and entire communities that rely on inadequate septic systems for their waste disposal. 

This program is mostly funded by U.S. EPA through the Rural Treatment Works and National Priority Area 2 grants. RCAP can offer hands-on training with community members, sanitarians, and any professionals who work with onsite systems as well as technical assistance. RCAP has been participating in the Biden administration’s Closing America’s Wastewater Access Gap Community Initiative in six of the 11 pilot communities located in persistent poverty/ disadvantaged areas.

Recently, we spoke with Sarah Buck, RCAP’s Chief Programs Officer, and she provided more information on this valuable resource for anyone working with onsite/decentralized wastewater systems. 

How does this program allow RCAP to help people with onsite/decentralized systems?

There are many ways that this program can help!

  • With technical assistance providers, we can help set up a responsible management entity (RME) for decentralized systems.
  • We’re able to do mapping activities to map septic systems in a community.
  • We can look at areas with high concentrations of septic systems that pose environmental & health risks and help them review all of their options including interconnecting them or assisting with setting up a publicly owned water treatment works or decentralized system.
  • We can help find funding to fund these types of projects in disadvantaged communities.

What are the eligible areas?

  • Training and technical assistance generally is for communities of 10,000 or less in all 50 states and the US Territories including on Tribal lands/for Tribal septic owners.

Is there financial assistance available?

How to apply for assistance? 

Who are the partners that are assisting with this program?

Further Resources?

  • Sign up for A Drop of Knowledge and Rural Matters to receive updates on work RCAP is doing
  • RCAP hosts multiple webinars a year dedicated to onsite/decentralized topics | View Archive
  • New Onsite Wastewater Treatment System User Guide created in collaboration with NOWRA | View PDF
  • Developing a new Septic Assessment Tool in collaboration with that will be piloted fall 2023 and will be available as a fillable PDF online

RCAP’s Free Quarterly Magazine is Focused on Rural Communities

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Rural Matters is the official magazine of the Rural Community Assistance Partnership (RCAP.) It features stories and insights that highlight the challenges and opportunities facing the rural communities that RCAP works with. Rural Matters is published quarterly in both print and digital formats and RCAP offers an archive of past issues on their website. Below are links to some of the most recent issues:

2022 | Issue 1: Let’s Talk Wastewater features topics like: loan management, the water access gap, mapping a septic system on tribal lands, developing an effective sewer board, and managing wastewater in U.S. territories.

2022 | Issue 2: Let’s Talk Drinking Water features topics like: boil water advisories and orders, COVID-19’s impact on water systems, violations and how the Agreed Order process works, options for additional water supply, and Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.

2022 | Issue 3: Let’s Talk Solid Waste features topics like: purchasing a solid waste collection vehicle, how a pandemic impacts solid waste management, a story of solid waste success in South Dakota, recycling program adaptation, and the unique challenges that come with solid waste management in the Grand Canyon.

2022 | Issue 4: Let’s Talk Regionalization features topics like: winterization tips, well ownership, a regionalization success story, fleet electrification, and multiple articles that emphasize the importance of community collaboration with water and wastewater systems.

If you’re interested in contributing feedback or advertising in Rural Matters you can contact or you can simply subscribe to receive each issue.