What is the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)? The Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) is a resource for communities looking to improve water quality and infrastructure. Established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the CWSRF provides low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality projects. The CWSRF operates as a federal-state partnership, offering financial assistance to communities for projects that protect and improve water quality. This includes decentralized wastewater treatment systems, energy efficiency improvements, water reuse projects, security measures at publicly owned treatment works, and more. It can be a long process to obtain these funds but if you aren't sure where to start, we have included some first steps below: Identify Eligible Projects: The first step is to determine if your project is eligible for CWSRF funding. Eligible projects include wastewater treatment, stormwater management, water conservation, green infrastructure initiatives, and more. Contact Your State CWSRF Program: Each state manages its own CWSRF program. Reach out to your state’s CWSRF office to get specific information on application procedures, deadlines, and requirements. They can provide guidance tailored to your project and location. Prepare Your Application: Gather all necessary documentation and complete the application forms. This typically includes project plans, environmental reviews, and financial information. Your state CWSRF office can assist with this process to ensure your application is complete and accurate. If you're looking to learn more about the CWSRF, the Environmental Finance Center Network (EFCN) offers an in-depth webinar series on their YouTube channel. This series is designed to help communities, water systems, and wastewater systems navigate the complexities of the CWSRF funding process. Each session covers essential topics such as project planning, working with engineers, setting project milestones, and financial management. You can watch the 12-video series on EFCN's YouTube channel. November 8, 2024 By Katelyn McLaughlin Financial Management, Funding Clean Water State Revolving Fund, CWSRF, funding, how to 0 0 Comment Read More »
How Septic Systems Work | Onsite Overview #3 Whether you are a septic system homeowner or an onsite wastewater professional, it is important to know all you can about the ins and outs of septic systems. Whether it be the basics of how they work, what types are available, or how to clean a septic tank, there’s no such thing as being overeducated when it comes to such an integral aspect of so many homes in the U.S. We have compiled a list of resources to get you started if you are interested in learning how to properly care for and maintain a septic system. Our best resources on this topic: About Septic Systems | Oregon Department of Environmental Quality This webpage provides a brief introduction to septic systems, how septic systems operate, an inspection checklist for those who are planning to buy a property with a septic system, how to go about getting a new septic system installed, and a septic system maintenance fact sheet. All About Septics | University of Minnesota Onsite Sewage Treatment Program This webpage provides detailed information on septic system types (type i and iii systems), advanced treatment systems (type iv systems), special situations, and other onsite treatment areas of interest. Septic System Basics Video: Septics 101 Course | Washington State Department of Health This 19-minute video intended for homeowners explains the basics of how on-site sewage systems function and the steps you should take to keep your system working well. The video is divided into 5 chapters that can be viewed separately. Chapters include: Introduction and Sewage Overview, System Basics and Soil, Types of Septic Systems, and System Care & Maintenance. Cleaning an Onsite Sewage System | Indiana Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association This 2-page fact sheet provides onsite owners some basics about the system. These include: How an Onsite Sewage System Works, Inspection of the System, Cleaning the Outlet Filter, and Cleaning the Septic Tank. Additional references are also included in this fact sheet. Septic Tank Pumping | Idaho Department of Environmental Quality This 11-page manual was developed to help pumpers understand these important aspects of septage handling and disposal. Topics covered are: Septic System Components, Checking the Level of Scum and Sludge in a Septic Tank, Permit Requirements, Septic Tank Pumping, Equipment for Pumping and Transporting Septage, Septage Storage, and Septage Disposal. How to find more resources on this topic on our website? If you are interested in looking through our database for other resources on this topic follow the instructions below: Select "CATEGORY" in the dropdown then choose "Decentralized WW Systems." Once you make that selection, a second dropdown will appear where you can choose "TYPE" if you are looking for a specific kind of resource (videos, factsheets, etc.) Optional: In the Keyword Filter, you can type a specific word or phrase to target the search even further. The last step is to click the "Retrieve Documents" button to see your results. January 18, 2024 By Katelyn McLaughlin Decentralized Wastewater, Onsite basics, decentralized wastewater, how to, onsite, Onsite Overview Series, septic system 0 0 Comment Read More »