RCAP’s Onsite/ Decentralized Program

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RCAP (Rural Community Assistance Partnership) has an onsite/decentralized program that provides training, technical assistance, and financial resources to assist individual homeowners, neighborhoods and entire communities that rely on inadequate septic systems for their waste disposal. 

This program is mostly funded by U.S. EPA through the Rural Treatment Works and National Priority Area 2 grants. RCAP can offer hands-on training with community members, sanitarians, and any professionals who work with onsite systems as well as technical assistance. RCAP has been participating in the Biden administration’s Closing America’s Wastewater Access Gap Community Initiative in six of the 11 pilot communities located in persistent poverty/ disadvantaged areas.

Recently, we spoke with Sarah Buck, RCAP’s Chief Programs Officer, and she provided more information on this valuable resource for anyone working with onsite/decentralized wastewater systems. 

How does this program allow RCAP to help people with onsite/decentralized systems?

There are many ways that this program can help!

  • With technical assistance providers, we can help set up a responsible management entity (RME) for decentralized systems.
  • We’re able to do mapping activities to map septic systems in a community.
  • We can look at areas with high concentrations of septic systems that pose environmental & health risks and help them review all of their options including interconnecting them or assisting with setting up a publicly owned water treatment works or decentralized system.
  • We can help find funding to fund these types of projects in disadvantaged communities.

What are the eligible areas?

  • Training and technical assistance generally is for communities of 10,000 or less in all 50 states and the US Territories including on Tribal lands/for Tribal septic owners.

Is there financial assistance available?

How to apply for assistance? 

Who are the partners that are assisting with this program?

Further Resources?

  • Sign up for A Drop of Knowledge and Rural Matters to receive updates on work RCAP is doing
  • RCAP hosts multiple webinars a year dedicated to onsite/decentralized topics | View Archive
  • New Onsite Wastewater Treatment System User Guide created in collaboration with NOWRA | View PDF
  • Developing a new Septic Assessment Tool in collaboration with WaterOperator.org that will be piloted fall 2023 and will be available as a fillable PDF online

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