Water Treatment Resources for Water Operators

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Water treatment is the umbrella term for the processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired end-use, including meeting regulatory requirements. Drinking water treatment includes but is not limited to: chemical disinfection, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, ultraviolet, ozone, membranes, and reverse osmosis. 

We have 1,772 resources (and counting) on Water Treatment in our Documents Database that provide valuable information on this topic. You can search for documents like a guidance manual for alternative disinfectants and oxidants, chlorination controls for small water systems, factsheets on bacteria in drinking water, and many other useful guides that will help you to deliver safe and clean water to utility customers. 

To access the wealth of knowledge on Water Treatment within our database just select "CATEGORY" in the dropdown then choose "Water Treatment." Once you make that selection, a second dropdown will appear where you can choose "HOST," “TYPE,” or “STATE” to narrow the search even further. If you have a specific search term in mind, use the “Keyword Filter” search bar on the right side of the screen.

This is part of our A-Z for Operators series.

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