Developing a Septic System Owner's Guide

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The Community Septic Owner's Guide online tool is designed to develop an Owner's Guide for everything from a single-family home, a commercial property, or even a cluster system serving 50+ homes. It was funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and created by the University of Minnesota. Some key things to keep in mind about this tool are:

  • You will need to register if you are using the tool for the first time
  • It contains generic stock/boiler plate general information, system component descriptions and images, and operations and maintenance (O&M) recommendations
  • It allows you to upload site specific descriptions, images, and O&M recommendations
  • It will produce a PDF guide for your home or structure to be used electronically or printed out
  • It allows you to start and stop a project during the process and update it years later when things change
  • It does NOT cover every scenario that exists across the US, but the creators of the tool hope it covers a vast majority of them

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