Asset Management Video Resources October 13, 2023 By Katelyn McLaughlin Asset Management asset management, how to search documents database, video search, videos 0 We have over 200 videos on Asset Management in our Documents Database that provide valuable information on how to maintain and manage the equipment, buildings, land, personnel, and any other large, expensive components that are needed to deliver safe and clean water to utility customers. Below, we have featured three informative videos/ webinars that can be found in our database. However, if you are interested in looking through videos and webinars on other topics just select "TYPE" in the dropdown then choose "Videos." Once you make that selection, a second dropdown will appear where you can choose "CATEGORY" then select whatever topic you are interested in seeing videos or webinars about (the example image above shows "Asset Management" selected.) The last step is to click the "Retrieve Documents" button to see your results. Asset Management Overview This short video from the WSU Environmental Finance Center provides an overview of asset management components and how they can be applied to fit your utility's needs. Asset Management 101 – Finding Financial Assistance for Infrastructure Upgrades This 1 hour 30 minute U.S. EPA webinar recording from the Technical Assistance Webinar Series: Improving CWA-NPDES Permit Compliance, provides a high-level orientation to the core concepts of asset management, how to prioritize system needs, how to secure funding, what resources are available for small communities, and who to go to for help. The speakers discuss case studies and highlight tools that small communities will find helpful in preparing long term plans and successfully implementing them. Asset Management Plans and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) This webinar from U.S. EPA discusses the components of asset management plans, how State CWSRF programs are implementing them, and various incentives that borrowers receive for funding projects that include asset management plans. Comments are closed.