RWAA Records Retention and Archiving Virtual Training
  Start Date: 7/2/2024 End Date: One Day Event
  City: Live Online State: Not Specified
  Location: Mountain Time Zone Start Time: 12:30 PM
  Event Info:!event/2024/7/2/records-retention-and-archiving-presented-by-sara-carroll-virtual-training-session
  For More Info: Not Specified
  Details: This virtual training will cover retention schedule, archiving construction forms, creating project binders, inventory tracking, and inventory schedules. A pre-test and post-test will be provided to all attendees to complete. PDHs are available for completing this training.
  Contact Information
    Name: Not Specified
    Phone: (480) 982-0301
  Fee: $50.00    
  Continuing Education      
    Event Credit: Available
    Accepted in: Arizona