GLCAP Contaminants of Concern: Manganese & PFA and Basics of Pressure Management
  Start Date: 11/9/2023 End Date: One Day Event
  City: Live Online State: Not Specified
  Location: Central Time Zone Start Time: 9:00 AM
  Event Info:
  For More Info: Not Specified
  Details: This online training provides an overview of Manganese, its properties, and why they are a concern for water systems. Topics covered in the workshop include what it is, where it’s found, indicators, regulations, troubleshooting and resources. The purpose is to provide a general knowledge of Manganese. PFAS contaminants are an emerging concern across the country, and continuing studies are identifying potential health risks associated with these chemicals. This lesson examines the origin, the concerns, and provides information for small systems about protecting public health. Basics of Pressure Management in a water distribution system. Why it is important and how do you manage it. How it should be managed. Positive and negative impacts. How to properly manage it. The attendees should be taking back to the knowledge of managing rather than reacting to the pressure in their distribution systems.Cost: FREE. Credits This training has been applied for 3.5 Municipal Waterworks credit.
  Contact Information
    Name: Erik Pietras
    Phone: 330-581-1817
  Fee: $0.00    
  Continuing Education      
    Event Credit: 3.5 DW Credits
    Accepted in: Wisconsin