CDPHE Free Training - Building Resilience in Your Water/Wastewater System
  Start Date: 12/7/2023 End Date: One Day Event
  City: Live Online State: Not Specified
  Location: Mountain Time Zone Start Time: 9:00 AM
  Event Info:
  For More Info: Not Specified
  Details: You and your water and wastewater system personnel are invited to receive FREE training on Building Resilience in your Water/Wastewater System. Operators who participate can get up to 0.4 training units. This training aims to help you to create, implement, and build upon your emergency management plans, improve your system’s security measures, take stock of your current financial situation, plan for your financial future, and navigate the State Revolving Fund (SRF) funding opportunities. DOLA and division emergency response staff will be in attendance to answer any questions.
  Contact Information
    Name: CDPHE Office
    Phone: Not Specified
  Fee: $0.00    
  Continuing Education      
    Event Credit: 0.4 TU's
    Accepted in: Colorado